B.3 flexible office

New circular office design

B.3 office


540 sq. m.


Concept design


Circular office



The Story

Breathe new life into an empty space. Furniture on wheels is about design without limits!

Imagine a space that adapts effortlessly to your ever-evolving needs—a space that embraces flexibility and redefines the way we work. With our innovative approach, we have introduced iLLi Flexible Furniture on wheels, creating a dynamic environment that can transform with a simple push.

Gone are the days of rigid office layouts. Our circular design concept allows you to reimagine the space according to your workflow, team collaborations, and individual preferences. Need a cozy brainstorming area? Slide the mobile furniture together for an intimate and creative setting. Seeking a more open and collaborative atmosphere? Rearrange the elements to foster interaction and free-flowing communication.

Not only does this design enhance productivity and employee well-being, but it also champions sustainability. By incorporating movable furniture, we promote adaptability rather than disposal. As your needs change, so does the space, reducing waste and maximizing resource utilization.

Our team of experienced interior designers has meticulously curated a selection of furniture pieces that seamlessly blend functionality and aesthetics. From ergonomic workstations to versatile seating options, every element has been chosen with both style and comfort in mind. We believe that an inspiring environment enhances creativity and fosters a sense of belonging.



The Product

At Studio Holgersson, we pride ourselves on our ability to transform spaces into vibrant, dynamic, and purposeful settings.

With the B.3 Amsterdam office building, we have embraced the challenge of revitalizing an empty space, breathing new life into it while incorporating sustainable practices.
